About Us

Majlis Educational Complex, Puramannur, Valanchery-Malappuram Dt is run by AMLI society and MTI society registered under the Charitable Societies Registration Act 1860 under Reg. number 107/88 and Reg. number 205/93 respectively. It is the outcome of social commitment the fulfillment of aspirations of a group of educationalists and devoted social workers with the avowed objectives of empowering the rural people and marginalized section of the society thirsting for knowledge with a focus on basic human values social commitment, moral principles, personality development and creative talents with the mission and vision "culture oriented quality education". About 70% of the total population of this area are Muslims and majority of them are economically and educationally and backward. Due to lack of educational institutions in this area, most of the students especially girls were forced to discontinue their education in the secondary level. In this circumstance the eminent educational scholars and social workers jointly associated with goal of establishing higher education facilities and hence several educational institutions were established under the majlis.

Why Choose Our Institution?

Scholarship Facility

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Skilled Lecturers

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Book Library & Store

Dorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the en an unknown printer galley dear.

Resources & Services